Find out more about mythology, tales, curiosities & insights of our favourite stories in our blog

Odin, the one-eyed hanged man
What would you do to become the wisest creature in the universe? Have you ever wondered why Odin is missing one of his eyes? What Happened? A fight? A battle? Not at all.

In Love with a Princess: The Tale of Europa
She was a princess so beautiful that even the king of Olympus couldn’t resist. This is the tale and the love story of Europa.

Sleipnir: King of horses
Tales tell us about a mighty eight-legged horse ridden by the king of the Norse gods into battle. He was a gift from Loki to Odin, a majestic and powerful prize worthy to its new owner. They named him Sleipnir.

The Pillars of Heracles
Perhaps Hercules greatest act – and our favorite – is when King Eurystheus sent the hero to the unknown to retrieve the Cattle of Geryon, far beyond the west. By that time, that was a scary thought, but somehow defined the Greeks as great the explorers they came to be.

Metamorphoses, the Roman Book of Genesis
Metamorphoses is the Latin language epic composed by Ovid, with over 250 myths telling the world’s history to the Roman people throughout ancient times explaining the origin of the world, from young and empty land, passing by the fall of Troy, the ascension of the Roman empire ending with Julius Caesar’s divination during Emperor Augustus reign.
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